Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Central & Arctic
Volunteer Marine Search and Rescue
Avalon underway
The Small craft training in Hay River
Thunder Spirit underway
Fancy Canoe underway
The Small craft training in Hay River
The Small craft training in Hay River
C130 Exercise
Banner Image 1
Hay River Coast Base
Weather Oar Knot
May 2013 Mngt Board Meeting
SAREX Leamington
Carling township1
ISAR 2009
Falcon III
Vik Beach in the Winter
The Small craft training in Hay River
Thunder Spirit
The Small craft training in Hay River
The Small craft training in Hay River
BARU side view
CAmbrian 1012
Britt + Area Fire Search + Rescue

District Reports

November 25th, 2016
November 25th, 2016

CCGA Unit in Kincardine receives gift.

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We received a $1,000 donation this past Friday (Nov. 18, 2016) from the Kincardine Women's Triathlon.

Nice surprise for us!  Thank You.

Peggy Griffen - Unit Leader

November 25th, 2016
November 25th, 2016

CCGA Regional Chaplain passes.

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It is with regret that we announce the passing of Reverend Grace Coleman Anthony on November 8th, 2016.

Reverend Grace has been our Regional Chaplain since 2006. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.

October 15th, 2016
October 15th, 2016

Wellington Pumpkin Fest Parade

Wellington Rescue will tahe part in annual parade, promoting their unit and the CCGA.
September 23rd, 2016
September 23rd, 2016

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Central & Arctic Making History!

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Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Central & Arctic is proud to announce Peggy Griffin as our new President.
Peggy Griffin took over this role as of Saturday September 17, 2016.  
Peggy is the first female President for any of the 5 Regional Auxiliary´s.  Peggy will represent the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Central & Arctic on the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board of Directors.
Congratulations Peggy Griffin.

May 26th, 2016
May 26th, 2016

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary, partners to participate in Maritime Search and Rescue Exercises on Lake Ontario, Lake Erie

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Private Robertson V.C
Toronto, ON -   The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) with its Search and Rescue partners will conduct maritime emergency exercises in the waters of eastern Lake Erie and western Lake Ontario May 28 and 29 2016.   These exercises are being conducted as part of regular ongoing training between the CCGA, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Department of National Defence and the Niagara CARES unit of the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA).  These exercises ...
May 16th, 2016
May 16th, 2016

Phase 1 Practical in Parry Sound

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District 4 crew training
A Phase 1 Practical course was held in Parry Sound on the weekend of May 7th.
The weather was awful - wind - rain and snow.  Typical SAR weather. Congrats to crews for sticking to it!

May 8th, 2016
May 8th, 2016

Saugeen Shores Fire crew heads to Fort McMurray

CCGA SAR crew attends Fort McMurray fire wearing their other gear!
July 24th, 2015
July 24th, 2015

Northern SAR EX

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Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary and partners participate in
maritime Search and Rescue exercises in Northwest Territories this weekend

June 10th, 2015
June 10th, 2015

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary helping to keep St.Lawrence River boaters safe

OGDENSBURG - Fortunately, the most common distress calls received from recreational boaters navigating the St. Lawrence River between Ogdensburg and Sackets Harbor are from people who run out of gas or suffer mechanical failures that result in their vessels going adrift, according to U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary member Steven E. Slagsvol.

But add the consumption of alcohol to a day on the water, an inadequate number of life jackets or other unforeseen circumstances and the St. Lawrence River ca...

June 10th, 2015
June 10th, 2015

2015 Instructor Course

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CCGA C&A held its first Instructor Course since the roll out of our new Phase Training program. The Course was held at Hamilton Beach rescue Unit from June 5th - 7th 2015, and there were 12 Instructor candidates from across our Region in attendance.
The candidates participated in both in class and on water exercises to demonstrate their teaching and instructing capabilities and knowledge of the course content.  The weekend was very successful and we now have 12 new instructors in ...

May 21st, 2015

Wallaceburg man retires from Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary

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Wallaceburg man retires from Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary

A Wallaceburg man looks back fondly on his 30 plus years of volunteering with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary.

My wife (Anne) and I both joined at the same time actually, said Richard Butch Dompierre.

We used my boat and Ive had a really good crew.

Butch retired his boat - The Fancy Canoe - back in September last year.

The Auxiliary is a national volunteer ...

May 11th, 2015
May 11th, 2015

CCGA Member wins the Coxswain Challenge @ IRB Training

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Alexander Limoges-Friend (Centre), crew member of Thunder Spirit with trophy.
The Canadian Coast Guard provides SAR training for their summer SAR crews who operate RHIBs at various locations.  Each year, a competition is held at the end of the training.

This year, a CCGA member who is also a university student won the competition.


March 27th, 2015
March 27th, 2015

Port Colborne Marine Auxiliary Rescue (POCOMAR) unit running a booth at the Seaway Mall March 23-29th 2015.

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Port Colborne Marine Auxiliary Rescue (POCOMAR) unit running a booth at the Nicholls Marine Boat Show at Seaway Mall in Welland Ontario from March 23-29th 2015.

They were there to promote the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Central and Arctic Region and recruit new members for their unit.

The all-volunteer unit covers Lake Erie from the mouth of the Niagara River to the mouth of the Grand River in Haldimand County, an area of approximately 240 sq. nautical miles (432 sq. kilometers) and c...

March 16th, 2015
March 16th, 2015

2015 District 2 Meeting

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Plan for upcoming SAR season, and prepare district trainings
March 13th, 2015
March 13th, 2015

District 2 SAREX 2015

Lake Erie

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2015 District 2 SAREX being held on May 25th, 2015.

Following units are preparing for the upcoming SAR season:
Dirt Water Fox #139
Sandman #328

March 13th, 2015
March 13th, 2015

Arctic District Meeting 2015

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The Arctic District will be holding a district meeting on March 21st- March 22nd in Yellowknife, NWT.

Unit Leaders and Administration staff are coming together to plan for upcoming SAR season, prepare district trainings and to discuss the tentative major SAREX being held in their district this summer.

January 3rd, 2015
January 3rd, 2015

Happy New Year!

Best wishes from management to all C&A members!
August 6th, 2014
August 6th, 2014

New Issue of The Auxiliarist

The August 2014 issue of The Auxiliarist is now available through the following link.

June 10th, 2014
June 10th, 2014

2014 Drowning Report from the Life Saving Society

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Canadian Totals
In summary, water-related fatality rates in Ontario are highest for men 15 - 24 and those over 55.

The need for strong drowning prevention efforts continue.

April 23rd, 2014
April 23rd, 2014

The Spring ritual

MYSIS beautification

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Herb Paetzold properly attired.
This maintenance ritual often goes unnoticed.  As is often the case, the workload falls to a few.
September 24th, 2013
September 24th, 2013

SAR EX held August 17, 2013, Kincardine on Lake Huron waters

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SAR EX held August 17, 2013, Kincardine on Lake Huron waters.  Vessels involved were the Mysis, Mysis II, OPP Vessel the H. H. Graham II.  OPP officers were Sgt. Paul Richardson and P/C Ken Roppel.  Mark Gagnon CCG Sarnia was the examiner for the day.
Numerous different scenarios were practiced.  Towing, man over board, search patterns, first aid, chart work, helm duties, log keeping radio communications and more.
Crew on Mysis Captain Herb Paetzold, Captain Kevin Vokey, Marcel Dorey Tra...

August 6th, 2013
August 6th, 2013

Great Article on the CCGA in the Beach Metro

Click on the link to read a great article about the CCGA posted in the Beach Metro: on the link to read a great article about the CCGA posted in the Beach Metro:
July 19th, 2013
July 19th, 2013

District 2 SAREX 2013

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CCGA - C&A District 2 held the 2013 Regional SAR Exercise for Lake Ontario on Saturday, May 25th and Lake Erie, Sunday, May 26th.

The Lake Ontario Exercise included four CCGA vessels; TOWARF, Hamilton Beach and two from GAMARU. CCG Cutter Cape Storm was OSC. Four Naval Reservists from the HMS York were also in attendance to observe the exercise.

Lake Erie included five CCGA vessels; Southwind III, Sandman and two vessels from POCOMAR. Dirt Water Kit was scheduled to join, unfortunately t...

July 11th, 2013
July 11th, 2013

CCGA C&A Inc.´s District 2 was keeping busy over the winter!!!

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District 2 Weather Seminar

Thank you to all the Members from District 2 who were able to attended the Weather Seminar held at Hamilton Beach in March.
Meteorologist Ron Bianchi, who also looks after the Canadian Olympic Sailing Team, was our speaker for the afternoon.
Ron presented a very thorough, entertaining and informative program.
I would also like to thank the members of CARES - CASARA - Unit 11 - Niagara for coming out to join us.

District 2 Training Coordinator, Paul Hebbel

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