July 9th, 2012
On July 4th, 2012 Auxiliary members from the CCGA Unit Maverick participated in a gathering of service providers.
The event was organized by Inspector Bradley Fishleigh, , Detachment Commander, Elgin County Detachment, OPP.
It was designed as a social event between Unit 511, "Maverick" and the Emergency Service Providers responsible for responding to emergencies on the water in Port Stanley and area
All "Maverick " Crew members attended
A quote from Brad Fishleigh, OPP detachment commander:
NCOs and Marine Operators please take the time to continue to maintain positive relationships with our partner agencies. The Auxiliary Coast Guard have a wealth of knowledge and experience on Lake Erie far beyond any of us and we need to tap into that. Please take the time to touch base with John and his crew when you are heading out on the water or just heading down to Port.