February 22nd, 2010
Training for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary - Central and Arctic is managed by the Standing Committee on Training (SCT). The SCT is comprised of the District Training Coordinators of the region, personnel from Canadian Coast Guard, the Director of Training, the President, the Director of Operations, CCGA office staff and Glynis Withyman Director District 1. The group meets throughout the year to review training. The last meeting was in Toronto on the 26th of September. Highlights from the last meeting are as follows;
1. The main thrust of training is to ensure that all members are current with their training. To remain current one must qualify by following the requirements as outlined by the President in this AGM package.
2. Only members and SAR partners can participate in any authorized CCGA activity. To be authorized a tasking number must be assigned prior to the activity naming all who will be participating.
3. The SCT is looking at ways to make the 5 year re-certification process easier to achieve.
4. For members who took the Operator Competency Course but did not receive the Evaluators Course online certifications will be available shortly for those few.
5. The Competency/Certification Checklist (aka Ride Check form) was added to the SMS system and completed forms need to be entered into the SMS system ASAP. Remember one form for a crew with all members listed and one form per person if used for individual assessment.
6. The next SCT meeting will be February 19th just prior to the AGM.
7. An Instructors Course will held Jan 29 with 12 new Instructors coming from the Arctic to District 1.
8. A RHIOT course will be held toward the end of March. Districts with RIBs and need more qualified Coxswains have been invited to send candidates.
Please refer to the two letters in your AGM package from the President regarding who can participate in CCGA - C&A taskings and also the new requirements to maintain membership. If you are not current you can contact your District Training Coordinator or Director to see when courses and SARexes are planned to keep you on the active list.
If any member has questions about training please bring them to the attention of your District Training Coordinator (DTC) so they can bring your concerns to the SCT if they cannot answer them directly.
Respectively submitted
Jim Aitken
Regional Training Director