March 5th, 2013
Presentation of award to COMRA
On Sunday, March 3rd at the completion of the Mariners Church service in Point Edward (Sarnia), Ontario members past and present of COMRA in Oshawa were presented with a Commanding Officer's citation from HMCS ONTARIO Sea Cadet Summer Training Centre in Kingston. For many years COMRA and the HMCS ONTARIO Sail Centre located Oshawa have shared a compound in the Oshawa harbour. COMRA has over those years provided direct and indirect support to HMCS ONTARIO's sail operations particularly with the recent move of the two units this past year to a new site in the harbour. It was decided to recognise that long term relationship with the award of the Commanding Officer's citation. Mr. John Levantis who was in attendance with the honour guard was also recognised for his past support of the sea cadet programme and HMCS ONTARIO while President of Central and Arctic Region.
Rodney Turcotte (CCGA) (RCN)