May 23rd, 2012
SAR Services provided by CCGA PARA
On May 12th over 300 paddlers paddled the Don River from Edwards Garden to the Toronto basin.
The trip included 2 portages over 2 weirs.
The Water level was increased for the day to allow for safe navigation of the waterway. Water temp 9 Deg. C.
There were a number of rescues:
We had 4 rescues involving overturned canoes with PIWs.
Throw bags were used to bring people to shore and canoes were picked up down river or retrieved at the time.
We had 2 who overshot the landing area and we rescued them from a station we had set up down river to stop boat /person from going over a 5-6ft a mini waterfall area (weir)
We had a shore/bank rescue with throw bags as a canoe hit a rock and flipped mid way between points
When they opened the dam upstream at 3 am water level rose 1 meter all the way down and with a 7-8knot current.
No first aid needed to be given as rescues were all completed in about 20-30 seconds
I was at station 1 where there were the water was the fastest and a narrow part of the Don River 20ft across. All reported back to me when things happened.
Metro Marine in the past have had several personnel to be close at hand but this year they only had 4 including a staff sergeant so we were in a prime rescue role.
This was a great opportunity for Auxiliary promotion.
Rob Platt (PARA)